Preventing a Fall - Stay on Your Feet
With age comes an increased risk for falling, but falling is not a normal part of aging and most falls are predictable and preventable. Many falls are the result of health or lifestyle factors. Follow these suggestions and make the most of your later years.
Stay On Your Feet (S.O.Y.F.) and the 9 Steps to Stay Active, Independent
Stay On Your Feet is a community partner falls prevention initiative. Part of the initiative includes information for older adults to stay healthy and maintain mobility and independence. Most falls are predictable and preventable. For more information, click here.
Seniors Exercise Programming
The best way to reduce your risk of falling is to be physically active. Choose activities that increase muscle strength in your legs and upper body, and that improve your balance, posture and stamina. Being active can include gardening, housework, swimming or dancing. Strength or balance oriented fitness classes are great activities to help prevent falls.
