The annual Young Rider's Day is back again this year, but we've gone online! Now you can learn safety tips for riding the bus or walking to school - right from the comfort of your living room.
Start your Young Rider's Day experience by clicking one of the links below - will your child ride the bus or walk to school this year? Watch the safety videos with your child, then have them complete the quiz and colouring page for chances to win cool back to school prizes!
submit your quiz and/or colouring sheet to be entered in the PRIZE DRAW!
Don't forget to like Timiskaming District Road Safety Coalition and Timiskaming Active School Travel on Facebook for more great safety tips and talking points!

Taking the Bus? Take the:
BUS BUDDIES Challenge!
School is restarting and that is an exciting time for students! Whether your child(ren) are riding the bus for the first time, or need a refresher on school bus safety watch the videos below together for some great safety tips and talking points.
Seriously awesome prize packs are available! Enter to win by submitting a colouring page or doing the school bus safety quiz, or go back and do the Walking Buddies safety quiz! Each activity you complete is one entry.
Students are encouraged to walk to their bus stop, and wait for the bus to arrive. Once the bus arrives, students should wait in a line until the bus has completely stopped and then begin boarding. While on the bus it is important of follow the safety rules of the bus, outlined in the videos.
School bus safety tips for first time riders (YouTube Video)
Buster's Safety Badge! School Bus Safety Rules and Behaviour Expectations for Primary Students! (YouTube video)
A guide to school bus safety rules and behaviour expectations for junior students (YouTube video)
COVID-19 precautions: Be sure to check with your school board for their COVID-19 bussing health and safety protocols. Some students taking the bus, may be required to wear a mask while riding the bus.
Fun prize packs are available. Enter to win by submitting a colouring page or doing the school bus safety quiz! Each activity is one entry.
School bus safety quiz: