Contact Timiskaming Health Unit to learn more about building healthy communities.
You Know Me, I Use Active Travel
Those who walk or ride bikes are more than just ‘the bike rider or walker’- they’re a community member, parent, child, employee, etc as well. We all want and deserve to get home safely.
Cyclists and walkers are not faceless entities. We live, work and play in the community too. You know us, we ride a bike and walk. We all share the same roads. Give us space and grace to get home safely.
Local walkers and bike riders are featured in this campaign that helps to show that active travel is for everyone. Whether for fun, exercise or to commute, consider biking, walking or wheeling to get to your next destination.
Share the Road:Road Safety is everyone’s responsibility! 
Share the Road is a public safety campaign to increase motorists’ and bicyclists’ awareness of shared responsibility for road safety.
The goals are to increase:
- Active transportation through education
- Number of cyclists
- Public recognition of cycling as a viable means of transportation
Share the Road Signs are throughout Timiskaming
These signs remind drivers to be aware of other road users — bicyclists and walkers — and to use caution when approaching them.
Motorists, bicyclists and walkers all have to follow the rules of the road
Active transportation refers to any form of human-powered transportation – walking, cycling, using a wheelchair, in-line skating or skateboarding. Whether walking to the bus stop, or cycling to school or work, active transportation to a destination helps build activity into our daily lives and has many benefits to individuals and communities.
Bicycle Friendly Communities
The Bicycle Friendly Community Award (BFC) Program provides incentives, hands-on assistance, and award recognition for communities that actively support bicycling.
Communities complete a thorough application and are judged in five categories often referred to as the Five ‘E’s: Engineering, Education, Encouragement, Enforcement, and Evaluation Planning.
More information:
Share the Road Cycling Coalition - Bicycle Friendly Community
Temiskaming Shores Bicycle Friendly Communities Workshop - June 2015 Summary Report
Affordable Access to Sport and Physical Activity
The cost of some organized sports or physical activities–including transportation to and from these activities—can put these activities out of the reach of some families with low incomes. Affordable access to recreation policies support the idea that recreation, as well as its inherent benefits, should be accessible to everyone in a community. In Timiskaming, JumpStart funding is available for kids aged 4-18 years, to help with registration fees, equipment and/or transportation.
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